Divorce Mediation vs Litigation: Choosing the Right Path for Your Separation

When couples decide to divorce, the way they choose to do it can have significant implications for both of them, and to their family as a whole. Divorce mediation and litigation represent two divergent approaches to handling a divorce, each with its own procedures, costs, and emotional impact. Mediation adds a neutral third party who helps the […]
Collaborative Divorce vs Mediation: Don’t Choose Until You Read This!

Choosing between Collaborative Divorce vs Mediation? This article explains the key differences to help you decide. Learn about professional involvement, control, flexibility, costs, and timeframes to make an informed choice. Key Takeaways Collaborative divorce involves a team of professionals, including attorneys, while mediation uses a neutral third-party mediator to facilitate discussions. Mediation is generally more […]
Divorce Mediation Tips and Tricks to Save Time and Money

Divorce mediation is a voluntary process in which a neutral third party (the mediator) helps divorcing couples resolve their issues and reach an agreement. Unlike traditional divorce litigation (going to court), where a judge makes decisions, mediation allows couples to maintain control over the outcome. Approaching divorce mediation with a constructive mindset, focusing on cooperation […]
When Is Divorce Mediation Not Recommended? Key Situations to Consider

Divorce mediation may be a viable option for some, but certain situations call for a different approach. When is divorce mediation not recommended? Typically, mediation is not recommended when there’s a history of domestic violence, untreated substance abuse, poor communication, non-consensual divorce, or significant financial complexity like hidden assets or high-net-worth divorce. This article goes […]
What is Divorce Mediation and Is It Right for You?

What is divorce mediation? It is a facilitated negotiation process where separating spouses work with a neutral third-party mediator to resolve their disputes. This process aims to reach a mutually agreeable settlement on issues like asset division, child custody, and support, without the need for a contentious courtroom battle. The mediator’s role is to guide […]